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SP-RFR-1001664 SPBASE RETURN REPAIR SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI 241.5
SP-AR1-1001664 SP AR HW 8X5XNBD SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 276
SP-AR3-1001664 SP AR HW 24X7X4 SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 441.6
SP-AR4-1001664 SP AR HW 24X7X2 SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 586.5
CON-NCDT-1001664 CMBSVC 8X5XNBD NCDT SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 386
CON-NCJT-1001664 CMBSVC 8X5XNBD NCJT SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 552
SP-SSSNT-1001664 SP SSPT 8X5XNBD ContactClosure Interface Leitch RCP-GPI3 386.4
SP-SW-1001664 SP BASE SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 224.25
1001664 Contact Closure Interface (Leitch RCP-GPI32p) 2607 2012-12-09
CON-3SNT-1001664 3YR SNTC 8X5XNBD SV=Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 828
CON-3SNTP-1001664 3YR SNTC 24X7X4 SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 1325
CON-NCD2-1001664 CMB SVC 24X7X2 NCD2 SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 821.1
CON-NCDP-1001664 CMB SVC 24X7X4 NCDP SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 618.7
CON-NCDW-1001664 CMB SPT SVC SW NCDW Contact Closure Interface (Leitch RCP-GP 313.95
CON-NCF2-1001664 CMB SVC 24X7X2 SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 938.4
CON-NCFP-1001664 CMB SVC 24X7X4 SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 706
CON-NCFT-1001664 CMB SVC 8X5XNBD SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 441.6
CON-NCFW-1001664 CMB SPT SVC SW Contact Closure Interface (Leitch RCP-GPI32p) 358.8
CON-NCH2-1001664 CMB SVC 24X7X2 NCH2 SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 1055.7
CON-NCHP-1001664 CMB SVC 24X7X4 NCHP SV= Cntct Closure Intrfce (Leitch RCGPI3 794.65

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1001664 1001664 GPL Price - $794.65, 1001664 1001664 - Contact Closure Interface (Leitch RCP-GPI32p). Latest Cisco GPL with Bulk Search.